Thursday, April 29
Maybe I am just old, though I never think of 33 as old, but being a new mother is seriously kicking my ass. I don't remember the other two leaving me this deep down exhausted way down to the bones. Although, I also never was the parent to a child quite like this one. My Max has given me a run for my money his whole life. He never ever slept through the night. I'd wake up to find him looking for ingredients to a potion that would give him super powers, forming a parachute for the cat out the second story window. There were plenty of times I wasn't sure he'd survive the toddler years. Broken bones and stitches seemed quite common. Max also didn't crawl until he was 9 months old. He didn't walk until he was 14 months old.This brings us to the little character I have brought into this world. Owen is a h.a.n.d.f.u.l.l. Just barely 4 months old now and is into EVERYTHING already. He can't crawl yet really. Instead he chooses to plant his face into the carpet and push himself to where he needs to go with his feet, while his face drags along. He stops his swing by grabbing the bars and proceeds to try to get out. On a few occasions he's been successful. We got one of those ridiculous Bumbo seats for $35 bucks and he just tips that bad boy right over, and falls out to escape. What does this all mean? Future daredevil? Maybe, but definitely a stress inducing spoiled little guy.
I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not be sleeping much. I realize my perfume for the next several months is going to be soy formula puke. All this is worth it as this baby is the light of my life. His personality is hilarious. I've been told most children that were preemies have a harder time getting socialized, and truth be told he is verrrrry spoiled since I've not been working. If a stranger even looks at him wrong he pouts then screams. The lower lip thing already is a riot, and he's had that down pat since he was 2 months old. Our new thing now is fake coughing. He will cough then grin when I look at him. I will close this with a million annoying mommy brag photos of him because of course I believe him to be one of the prettiest things I've ever laid eyes on. The last few days though have left me wishing the teething tablets you find had some prozac in them! If every tooth is going to be this dramatic I believe we will both need prozac before he's one. Now some photos, feel free to click for full size.
Seriously....I never thought I'd become an obnoxious housewife bragging about her cute baby....
posted by CheekyMoo @ 1:49 AM
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