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Wednesday, November 25

Stick a fork in me....

I'm tired. I'm also toeing the line between sane and nervous breakdown. My blood sugars are fine but still he grows. Last check at 34 weeks they estimated him at 8 lbs. Plus I have 3 x as much amniotic fluid as I should. So I haven't felt much like writing. Just a lot of crying. God bless Scott as I think I'd be a mental patient at this point without him. So basically I started a web site for our family to get updates from. I'm really depressed and don't even feel like answering the phone to anyone. If anyone would like the link please email me and I'll give it if I know you. PixieChickAZ@gmail.com Also I'm on facebook fairly regularly so you can find me there also, will tell you how if you email me. Maybe.

My kids both came down with H1N1. The boy version did surprisingly well considering he was younger and his symptoms came on really really fast. The girl version of moi my little mini me had a really tough time. It went on and on and on. Finally she was better then 3 days later she woke up and couldn't see. Long story short she wound up spending a week in the hospital for excess fluid on the brain. They thought they'd have to put a shunt in but knock on wood so far she's fine and back to herself again. I think I have yet to recover emotionally or physically from that.

We do anticipate this little guys arrival any time. I say half hoping he'll hear me and make his way to the exit.

Have I mentioned tubal ligation?

posted by CheekyMoo @ 11:34 PM
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