Tuesday, September 29
Can we just slow down?
I think I blogged before about how I'm really bad at keeping track of this pregnancy. Part of it is just because everything has been high risk this and that, I think I just blank out how far along I am. I think I just spent like 3 weeks at 25 weeks. I just realized a while ago that I'm 28 weeks pregnant now and only have 85 days to go.And, I. AM. FREAKING. OUT.
Why is it going so quickly? I'm definitely not ready. I feel like my house needs to be scrubbed top to bottom. I need a car seat. I need more bottles. Am I breastfeeding? I need to decide!
With the holidays coming this is going to fly by. I feel like things need to slow down a little bit. I'm so scared! Not of having a baby, but of all the complications and of not being ready. This whole pregnancy I've had these freak outs. One night it was "OH MY GOSH WE DON'T HAVE ANY SOCKS FOR THE BABY!!" Scott fixed that. Then it was bibs. Right now it's the car seat.
When this is over Scott is going to need a medal.
Maybe I should be like other pregzillas and get one of those tracker things for my facebook? Nah....
posted by CheekyMoo @ 6:44 PM
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Friday, September 25
Must love hormones
I believe there was a collective scream heard round the world from pregnant women everywhere this week. NINETEEN POUNDS?! Holy........ I saw that baby's picture and felt scared. I figured right away I'd be having nightmares. The regular sized baby next to him looks like a little chew toy for him. Come here..I'm teething..let me gnaw on your head!Pregnant nightmares are nothing new. I recall dreaming when I was pregnant before that I was at a baseball game and went into labor. No one would help me so for whatever reason I had a scalpel in my purse and proceeded to give myself a c-section.
This pregnancy is different in that my blood pressure has been a really huge problem. So now I will wake up and feel like crud because the dreams scared me so bad my b/p is off the charts.
I've been really happy we're having a boy. My son is so much fun. Though I don't think I'd have cared either way the prospect of a boy still excites me. I recall all the times my little guy woke me up at night. "Can you skydive without a parachute?" At 3 am this translates to "Haul your tired ass out of bed and see what the kid is doing."
Now..he's invading my sleep! Last night I dreamed he walked in the front door just covered in bees. "Look Mom, I'm wearing a bee suit!" In my dream he was laughing like it was the funniest thing he'd ever done. Needless to say, both my sleep self and awake self were just not amused.
posted by CheekyMoo @ 11:13 PM
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Ellie Creek Ellis said...
all i could say when i saw that baby was "ouch". omg.
yeah, pregnancies and strange dreams go together like pickles and ice cream...uhh, well, you know what i mean! haha when are you do? i wish you much much health!
Thursday, September 17
25 wks
So we went Monday and the little guy is just fine. I know this because I saw him pee inside of me during the ultrasound. I think he's a bit cheeky already. He also yawned and rolled over as if to say leave me the hell alone. I can't say I blame him as the amounts of poking and prodding this pregnancy pretty much suck all around. So far it's Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Placenta Previa, Gestational Diabetes, and now it seems at 25 weeks I'm 2 cm dilated. So basically what that means is I can't even have sex anymore which was pretty much the only enjoyment I was getting out of this pregnancy.It's funny though. When I was pregnant with my son who is the 2nd born child to me I was so freaked out. I was so afraid I'd not love him as much as I love my daughter. How can you love someone else just as much as I loved her when she was born? This time I'm not freaking out. I already love him just as much as I love both kiddos. Perhaps it's being 33 or working with Hospice, this time I'm freaking out I will die in childbirth. You know...just for something new and different I guess.
I've decided my stomach looks like a giant fat baby shelf in front of me. I think it enters the room about 5 minutes before I do. I also keep running into things with my stomach. I'm already clumsy but this is like a whole new dimension. I proclaimed to Scott the other night you know you're a fatass when you shut your stomach in the bathroom door. Of course being the kind man he is he explains to me I'm not a fat ass that it's all baby. YEAH RIGHT! I asked him if that's the case he might want to send that message to my ass which is showing just as much as my stomach.
Let's see if he's still this nice after a week with no sex...
You know bed rest really sucks. I think everyone should be forced to stay home for a week and watch day time television. What the fucking fuck?! It's like my choices are Lifetime TV for women, but what women pick the programming for that crap? The 800 bazillion reality tv shows that are out there now. No thanks. News channels and I'm not even going to go there. Once I hear Nancy Grace's voice I'm outta there. Ok, I do like the paternity test reveals just for the laughs. So I end up just watching Netflix Instant View, Food Network, or On Demand.
There's only so many episodes of Bridezilla a gal can take!
posted by CheekyMoo @ 1:31 PM
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Sunday, September 13
Just random thoughts
I think gaining weight is just as hard as losing it. Bed rest sucks and I don't really have a whole lot to do other than pick myself apart. I'm sitting here watching my muscles turn into fat more and more everyday wishing I could exercise. I'm already up over 60 lbs and am only 25 weeks pregnant. I'm really watching what I eat too but it doesn't seem to matter. I assume that is the Gestational Diabetes. Having Diabetes sucks also and I really feel for anyone who has it their whole lives. When my blood sugar gets high I don't even need to prick my finger, I know because I feel like complete and utter shit.I also notice that people say the dumbest crap to you while you're pregnant much like as you lose weight. I've really been going through hell. I don't know how else to describe it. Four weeks ago tomorrow I had some bad findings on my ultrasound. The baby has some things wrong with him. It could be nothing or it could be a few somethings. One of the few somethings means that our little guy will either be stillborn or die shortly after birth. I declined the amnio test which in retrospect was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. I really that day thought it's all in God's hands and I trust that He won't do this to me. The last week especially has been complete misery for me. I've been so upset I'm not even sleeping. The days pass by very slowly when you're on bed rest and don't sleep. So tomorrow is the recheck of our little guy where I will be asking for the amnio so I have a definite answer.
I can't really talk about this to people. I'm already a pregnant mental case as I cry constantly for no reason. Factor in the above and don't even try to have a conversation with me. I've never cried this much in my life until I was pregnant this time around. I actually had a friend whom I discussed this all with tell me "Well, at least you're fertile enough to have another one." Ummm...I want THIS one. I can't even talk to her anymore right now.
Thank God I have Scott though. This week he's been like my knight in shining armor. He's made up little "dates" with me we can have in our room. The other night he picked out a movie that for 2 hours made me laugh hysterically and forget everything. He even has a little "concession stand" he puts in our room. I really don't know how I'd survive this without him.
posted by CheekyMoo @ 5:12 PM
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Tuesday, September 8
Ok, so my daughter and I have the flu. It's been a craptastic few days. It's crappy being this sick when I'm so fat at the same time. Not that this fatness stops me from eating as I always seem famished. I'm just so fat already I feel like a cartoon character!So Max decides to "help" us out while we're sick. He's like our little caregiver. "Sure I'll get you ice water! Cubed or crushed?"
Just when I'm ready to believe Mr. Max is a mature young man at his ripe old age of 11 all hell breaks lose. "Mommy I'm going to do some housework today to help you." Awwww...I should have known. Several hours later I hear my daughter "Wow the kitchen floor is shiny!!" at the same moment I hear and see the crash of her feet flying out from under her. I rush out to the kitchen and suddenly it's Pregzilla on Ice. W..T...F...
It took me all of 30 seconds to figure out the culprit. There on the counter was too bottles. One bottle of Pine-sol, one bottle of Canola oil.
Mistake or Sabotage we'll never know.....
And to post evidence of the cartoon characterness check this shit out. I'm only 24 effing weeks pregnant! I can't get into my blog roll but will make a new one with updated links as soon as the flu is over. And when I figure out how to get oil off the floor!
posted by CheekyMoo @ 3:30 AM
comments (1)
Cheeky! I have not seen or heard from you in FOREVER!!!!! How the heck are you??? Pregnant? WHAAAT? That's awesome. I am so happy for you. :-)
8:56 PM
Memphis Steve almost makes it sound like he is congratulating you on getting laid LOL
I have blue baby socks on my desk. Where do I send 'em to?
11:32 AM
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